So, we had a great stay here on the Lummi reservation and the people here were very welcoming. It was really fun to meet our new relatives and also to rest a bit. Also, the food was amazing, I ate like 2 whole salmon. The guys are really tired but are ready for the bike ride back to home.
Yeah right. Haha. I am kidding. I think if the guys biked back down they would be Lt. Dan status with no legs. Everything went smoothly yesterday with the guys arriving to the Lummi Nation and the people were very welcoming. They had a lunch for us and they had a welcoming ceremony for Zach and Dad but I missed it due to stupid traffic outside of Bellingham (almost ran out of gas ahhhh).Troy (Dad's brother), his wife Katrina, and their daughter then came with us to show us around and help us get situated at the house on Lummi Island. We took the ferry over to the island and drove to the house that we are staying at. The house is really nice and the scenery is awesome here. I mean, it is no Modesto, but I'll settle for a waterfront house with a spa. Troy, Katrina, and their daughter stayed the night with us here last night and we went to a nice dinner at an Italian place in Bellingham. This morning we took it easy for a little and then my dad and I went into town. He dropped me off at the Gold's Gym here (on a side note, I have noticed after visiting various gold's Gym that I like the one in Modesto the least, all the other ones are really nice) and he went to get some grocery's that we didn't pick up yesterday. After that he picked me back up then we went to pick up Mommy, Thomas, Dane-o, and Katherine (BoBoBo) from the airport.
After crossing the ferry again and getting everyone situated at the house we took the 5:20 ferry back to the reservation for a dinner that Dean (the family elder) was hosting for our family (the Washingtons). It was really neat to meet all of our new family and we were lucky to have such a warming welcoming. Dean put Spongebob's cooking skills to shame with some incredible Salmon and we feasted on all other kinds of delicious food. Afterward Dean showed us around his shop where he builds canoes and showed us some of the ones that he had made. The canoes were really sweet to look at because the craftsmanship was so amazing. We then chatted a wee bit more, checked out the house which had a ton of newspaper clippings and trophies from pulling canoe, and then said goodbye so that we could make the 8:10 ferry back to Lummi Island where the house is. Upon arrival Zach and I constructed a fire rivaling that of Tom Hanks' in Cast Away. Dane-o and BoBoBo then joined us as we roasted some marshmallows (see pic) and made some s'mores. Naturally Dad and Mom showed up to grab some dessert and enjoy the masterpiece of a fire that we had going. Bo and Dane are sleeping and the rest of us are just watching some TV and getting excited for the beginning of the World Cup tomorrow morning!!!
Time to go to bed and get ready for the World Cup tomorrow morning. Also, good job Celtics, keep up the good work.