Woke up at the usual time and the guys grabbed some breakfast while I grabbed some extra z's. After they left I eventually woke up, washed their dirty jerseys they had worn, checked out, and grabbed a small pump that can fit on the bikes. Afterward I caught up with them somewhere in the mountains between Medford and Canyonville (see pic). The weather was awesome all day and the guys said that the first long climb was really tough but that the rest of the day was mostly downhill so it was fun to ride. After the snack I left and checked into the Seven Feathers Casino Resort. Unfortunately you have to be 21 years old to gamble here, so we still have funds for food. The dudes showed up not too long after and we chilled for a bit in the room while they told me some of the stuff they saw. Some of the observations they told me about included: the fact that they have seen a lot of skunks on the road, an argument the two had over whether they had seen more cows or llamas (it's cows hands-down), an intense river, and the fact that they were chased by a pack of four rabid dogs that were hungry for cyclists. After swapping war stories we hit up the buffet called "the gathering place"; my favorite dishes included the banana bread (with frosting), the shrimp, and hand-made flour tortilla chips. Pops then left to get another old man leg massage. Meanwhile Zach and I hit up the blackjack tables and Zach went Rainman on their ass and made tons of money; or maybe we went into the arcade like 5th graders... Post massage/arcade we all took a dip in the spa/pool then retreated to the room to watch some television. Zach and I are going to be waking up extremely early tomorrow so that I can take him to his SAT's in the morning. Thanks for all the prayers and wish Zach good look on the tests!
When I read this the same thing kept popping into my mind and that was what a great relationship you all have. Very special indeed. Good luck Zach, I know you will do well tomorrow. Lori Terra